How to get connected post IDs by current post ID

How to get connected post IDs by current post ID

How to get connected post IDs by current post ID
To get an array of connected posts you can use the translationIds function. That method is the equivalent of mlp_get_linked_elements in MultilingualPress 2:
The first parameter is the source post id, the second is the column “type” in the wp_mlp_relationships table in the database and the third parameter is the source site id .
About the type value, this must be either “post” or “term”, depending on whether the
Translation of a post or translation of a term is to be queried:
$translations = InpsydeMultilingualPresstranslationIds(1, ‘post’, 1);
it will return an array of key value pairs as site id and post id:
array (size=2)

1 => int 1

2 => int 1
You can loop through $translations like this:
if($translations) {

foreach($translations as $siteId => $postId) {
echo ‘Site ID: ‘ . $siteId . ‘ Post ID: ‘ . $postId . ‘