What’s new in MultilingualPress 3?

What’s new in MultilingualPress 3?

What’s new in MultilingualPress 3?
MultilingualPress 3 is here! It is the brand new version of our multilingualism plugin. Well, let’s say it is a refactored version of the previous one. It improves the features of version 2 considerably.

Table of Contents

Why should we buy Version 3 when Version 2 is still available for free?PHP7, new power to the codeRefactoringBetter UI and Gutenberg compatibilityEnhanced support: version 3 wants to speak to the worldI love V2What else?
1. Why should we buy Version 3 when Version 2 is still available for free?
This is a valid question that we would like to illustrate with an example of a car purchase.
We can choose an excellent car produced a few years ago. It is reliable and carries out its task of transporting in a safe and comfortable way.
But it is not the new model.
On the contrary, the new model offers the latest generation features. It contains new and more resistant materials. This model has advanced safety and protection abilities, and features that allow a more comfortable ride. With the advanced technologies you have the latest navigation and sound system, and a better fuel efficiency with more engine power. Last but not least, utilising the latest connectivity standards, you have the possibility to connect all your current and future devices such as your smartphone and laptop with your car. In addition, you get the latest updates, whereas the older car only gets required updates (for security or forced by law). This new model is MultilingualPress 3!
So, ask yourself! What do you want to achieve in the long term?
2. PHP7, new power to the code
MultilingualPress 3 works on PHP7. It takes advantage of all benefits according to a state-of-the-art implementation. It leverages the power of PHP7 at its best.
Thus, it shows a faster response and has a faster site execution speed compared to web calls.
Even the consumption is reduced. As known, this version of PHP requires fewer resources. And as a result, you save memory to run processes for the happiness of your website’s performance.
If you have no idea and wonder what PHP stands for, well, better check this little summary about What is PHP and why you should migrate to modern PHP.
3. Refactoring
We rewrote MultilingualPress with a specific goal in mind: more efficiency. This includes the code’s maintainability as well as to fully exploit the advantages of PHP7.
That’s why we optimised the features of version 2, streamlined some of them and made everything more intuitive for the user. This means, we have not only focused on increasing the power of the product, but also on the simple usage of it.
Having all of you – our users – in mind, we need and want a performing, powerful plugin and happy users. But we didn’t stop there. We want MultilingualPress to be simple and we want it to be enjoyable. As a result, we improved the tools by simplifying the use of MultilingualPress.
Let’s give you a better picture of what we have done. Compared to the previous version, MultilingualPress 3 is set up by default with a complete set of languages. Hence, it automatically meets what you as our user ask for without requiring further settings. But don’t worry, if you want more you will get more. The Language Manager allows you to set and customise your own language.
4. Better UI and Gutenberg compatibility
Furthermore, version 3 is ready for Gutenberg. Along with a bunch of other new features, Gutenberg brings a new concept of editing content, which will be extended to the whole WordPress system in the coming years. Curious? Have a look at Gutenberg Editor changes User Interface in WordPress.
Are you ready for the imminent change? MultilingualPress 3 is!
For example, unlike version 2 the boxes under the posts relating the content translations no longer contain the translated content of the article. Instead, they only keep the relationship functionalities and the main attributes. Still, the boxes allow you to define translations of the main parameters (title, excerpt, etc.) and manage the functional characteristics (relationship features, related taxonomies), but the body of the article is kept in the original site.
5. Enhanced support: version 3 wants to speak to the world
Unity is strength and MultilingualPress 3 knows it very well.
MultilingualPress must be able to communicate with other major plugins in the construction of a professional site. Especially, the interface with the most famous e-commerce system WooCommerce is essential. With this thought in mind, we are proud to introduce the translation support for custom post types, slugs, taxonomies, Advanced Custom Fields.
6. I love V2
Still in love with MultilingualPress version 2? Or just afraid of your current projects?
The good news is that you can relax and feel comfortable, as the support for version 2 will continue to be available to help you in any eventuality.
But please note: currently switching from version 2 to version 3 is not trivial. For this reason we built a Migration Tool (more info available at Multilingualpress 2 to 3 Migration Tool), which currently is in alpha version, so actually migration could be not easy to achieve. Hence, if you start a new project, set a plan and consider, that in long term, version 3 is the best choice.
7. What else?
Of course … this new version is a beginning.
When we started working on the new version, we clearly focused on the user experience, performance and scalability. And voilà, we improved the tools, simplified the use and increased the efficiency. All of this packed in the new version 3 of MultilingualPress.
But the reengineering process is just the first step. We constantly work hard to offer new features. So, be ready for new surprises and stay connected!